Monday, February 16, 2009

My first altered frap bottle

ok, so I've been seeing all these great frappuchino bottles & felt inspired to try it out. My husband was my guina pig. Not too bad for my first try although I did figure out some things NOT to do for next time. Try, try again....I say! :)

I used a bunch of quickutz hearts on the bottle

Here was his Vanentine's Day card & some more fun candy that I knew he'd like. I used my quickutz shapes for the candy bag....I really need to get a scalloped punch bad, but not until the economy turns things around for us & my husband can get his job back. Darn construction industry. Perhaps when President Obama comes to Phoenix on Wednesday something good will happen. :)

1 comment:

Pat said...

I think you did fine, I've seen lots of these bottles and some are done up all fancy and some are more minimal but yours was for a GUY and that really makes a difference in embellishments!

I am a full-time wife and mother with a full-time career who attempts (from time to time) to be a Superwoman crafty chick.....often these attempts include wine. There is no rhyme or reason as to what each post may contain, so check back often for Lord knows what insanity. As Prince said "We are gathered here together to get through this thing called Life". Cheers ladies, let's get through this together.