Sunday, July 5, 2009

Look ing for inspiration in the strangest places

So, I was driving by Sprinkles Cupcakes the other day & thankfully got stopped at a red light, so I could stare for a bit. In the windows were these great white flower shapes & some of them had red & blue stars in the middle. I didn't have any paper to sketch, so this is what I came up with from memory. However, it is still a work in progress, because I haven't yet found a font that replicates the fun Sprinkles font. Does anyone know of a similar font. Any ideas are very appreciated! Here's the card-in-progress:

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I am a full-time wife and mother with a full-time career who attempts (from time to time) to be a Superwoman crafty chick.....often these attempts include wine. There is no rhyme or reason as to what each post may contain, so check back often for Lord knows what insanity. As Prince said "We are gathered here together to get through this thing called Life". Cheers ladies, let's get through this together.